A Woman's View
The site is wonderful and I did place your flash animation on my memorial site.
I also have made several images you are more than welcome to use here with your
patriotic images. Come and visit and pick out any that you would like. (Renee')
Jennia's Page AWESOME index page. I
am designing a web page for a WTC fund and you captured exactly the
feeling that I hope to invoke! BEAUTIFUL! (Jennia)
I absolutely love your images! They are absolutely beautiful! Thank
you!!!!!!!!! (L.R.)
God Bless America
Carlson Imports We
love your site and thank you for the thought behind what you are doing and
for sharing it with everyone. We strongly support our great nation and are
using several of your graphics along with the America banner on our site.
Thanks again. (Erik and Windy)
Wonderful site... can't say enough about it. Thanks (Sharon)
We have been at peace for so long that many of us cannot grasp the fact
that we are now at war. Our flag and our way of life are under attack and
we must stand up against those monsters who believe they are in the right
and bring them down like the cowards that they are. They may have torn a
hole in the fabric of our country, but when a hole is repaired it becomes
twice as strong as the original fabric. Americans (both native born and
naturalized) must stand together in the spirit of freedom to defend the
basic principles of this country. United we stand, divided we fall.
(Bernice L., Iselin, New Jersey)
USA 2001 Your site
is so healing. Thank you. Americans never fall, we may lean but never
fall. America will stand proud with an internal beacon to show the way out
of the darkest day in our history. There’s an old saying “do not back a
wounded animal into a corner,” but if you do, beware the consequences of
this powerful beast. (Diane B.)
I found your site while I was looking for American flags and eagles
images to inspire my middle school Art Club. We are in the process of
designing a mural for our school library to express our love for America.
Thank you so much for this beautiful site. We have found many that we
love. (Kathy)
The graphics on your site are beautiful and touching. God Bless America,
Land that we love. We have added the Flash presentation from your site on
the page of Free items at our site. (Elizabeth)
Great patriotic site - thanks for sharing with us. (Chuck and Marlene)
http://hometown.aol.com/queentutut2/Queenindex.html I love your site
!!!! Thank you so much for your beautiful tribute. (Georgette)
Free The graphics on your
site are beautiful and touching. God Bless America, Land that we love. We
have added the Flash presentation from your site on the page of Free items
at our site. (Elizabeth)
Memorial WRC
Thank you. I put The flash on my NEW YORKER Page. (C.H.)
Just a short note about the awesome picture passing the colors, it
brought tears to my eyes, my nephew is in the army and it makes me so
proud that we have people like this in our wonderful country. (Vicki)
Your site is beautiful and I love it. The pictures are amazing and I
want to give hope to all those who have lost loved ones in this great
tragedy. You have the support of the strongest nation in the world to back
you up. We mourn for your loved ones and hope that one day, we will reach
some type of closure. (Susie)
This is wonderful, I wanted to print out the images for the children's
scrapbook. (Soniva)
Great site! I'll pass it on to my friends! (Bill, Ohio)
I am your average American and I would like to think all the hero's of
9/11 as well as our troops. Both my brothers are in the military, one in
the Army and one in the Air Force. I've always been proud of them both.
They both bleed red white and blue! (Gary)
God Bless America You have a wonderful collection of Patriotic
Graphics of which I have use some, as well as the Flash Movie, within my
memorial Site. Thank you so much for all you time and hard work. God Bless
Military Service Rings
Great Site! (Sgt. S.K., US Army, Retired)
Special note from the FlagPole Webmaster: You MUST see this
tribute site. Outstanding!
Military Service Rings
This is a good site keep up the good work (Mike L.)
http://www.cyberpaperboy.com Thank
We need more of this. Beautiful (J.D.)
http://www.datakota.com This is
absolutely one of the Best sites i have ever been to (BESIDES www.datakota.com)
ya its cool and ill send this site to EVERYONE ya i printed out ALL the pic on
here. Hey yall out there yall relize that terrorist only did partly what they
were planning they thought it would tear us apart INSTEAD it did the OPPOSITE.
(Leon R.)
http://www.america.com/ I love your
site! It is the best for patriotic images and other things. I couldn't do it
without you. (Pete S.)
My favorite I've shared it with everyone I know. (Bruce G.)
I was greatly pleased with the obvious effort you put into your site. Very
thought provoking and helpful. May God Bless you and all who have suffered from
the Terrors of this world.
God Bless America. I am so very proud of the American people. God Bless you
all x (Heather)
This is one of many visits to your site. Each time I visit, I see some that I
missed in my previous visits. Just wanted to share the following with you: As
President Bush said last night.....some good has come from these past months.
Many of us (and I definitely include myself) were taking our country and
freedoms for granted. I am now very proud to live in a small southern town that
has American flags in all classrooms, flying outside all schools, and lining the
main street. Today all of our schools had Veterans Day programs to which local
veterans were invited to come, be honored by, and speak to the students. At one
of our schools the last speaker, an army veteran, ended his speech saying, " In
these days when you hear a person say that you shouldn't display the American
Flag for fear of offending someone who isn't patriotic or isn't an American,
don't be afraid to stand up for what you know is right. Show your pride for our
country and our flag." I was so proud to see the student body of 600 teenagers
respond with a rousing ovation of applause. Of course, we all wish that the
tragedy of September 11th had never happened and hope that these times of terror
will soon come to an end, but let's hope that we never again take our wonderful
country and freedoms for granted.
I wanted to thank you, we are trying to make our Courthouse more patriotic
and this site allowed me to print some excellent things to show how we feel in
West Virginia. Thanks again. (G B.)
Perez I think this site expresses half of the country on the faced
situation. I myself am touched by what people have done to help those hurt back
on their feet.
Memory Page I think it is wonderful, your trying to help with all the
atrocities that have happened. (William M.)
http://www.geocities.com/jumper82000/ Though, we have lost our sense
of security we have not lost our pride as Americans "God bless America"
Expressions of America
provides Patriotic Americans with a
platform from which to join in the fight against global terrorism. (Tony
I love your site. I just wanted to say thanks to all the soldiers at
war for us. I'm 15 and understand how tough this is on everyone. God
bless! (Tammy)
http://www.angelfire.com/or3/ofa-ofaa God Bless The USA (W.W.)
http://www.geocities.com/w5www/091101.html Wow, theflagpole.com is a
really fantastic site and contains so much valuable information that it is
going to take me quite a while to go through the entire site. I have added
your 468 x 60 flash movie to my site and it is a very welcome addition.
Many thanks for helping to spruce up my 09-11-01 Memorial site. Keep up
the GREAT work! (Ron)
Iona College Republicans
Iona College Republicans says thank you for having the images and what
not. Great site. (James D.)